
Metadata Registration Practice Statement

Version 2.0
Last Modified 2019-04-04


This document is based on the REFEDS Metadata Registration Practice Statement template.

1. Definitions and Terminology

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

The following definitions are used in this document:

Definition Description
Federation Identity Federation. An association of organizations that come together to securely exchange information as appropriate about their users and resources to enable collaborations and transactions.
Federation Member An organization that has joined the Federation by agreeing to be bound by the Federation Policy in writing.
Federation Operator Organisation providing the infrastructure for Authentication and Authorisation to Federation Members.
Federation Policy A document describing the obligations, rights and expectations of the federation members and the Federation Operator.
Entity A discrete component that a member wishes to register and describe in the metadata. This is typically an Identity Provider or Service Provider.
Registry System used by the Federation Operator to register entity metadata. This may be via a self-service tool or via other manual processes.
Registered Representatives Individuals authorized to act on behalf of the member. These may take on different roles with different rights attached to them.

2. Introduction and Applicability

This document describes the metadata registration practices of the Federation Operator with effect from the publication date shown on the cover sheet. All new entity registrations performed on or after that date SHALL be processed as described here until the document is superseded.

This document SHALL be published on the Federation website at https://www.eduid.cz/en/mrps. Updates to the documentation SHALL be accurately reflected in entity metadata.

An entity that does not include a reference to a registration policy MUST be assumed to have been registered under a historic, undocumented registration practice regime. Requests to re-evaluate a given entity against a current MRPS MAY be made to the Federation helpdesk.

3. Member Eligibility and Ownership

Members of the Federation are eligible to make use of the Federation Operator’s registry to register entities. Registration requests from other sources SHALL NOT be accepted.

The procedure for becoming a member of the Federation is documented at https://eduid.cz/en/join.

The membership procedure verifies that the prospective member has legal capacity, and requires that all members enter into a contractual relationship with the Federation Operator by agreeing to the Federation policy and Terms and conditions for the access to the CESNET e-infrastructure. The Operator makes checks based on the legal name provided. The checks are conducted with a number of official databases eg. Public registry (Veřejný rejstřík a sbírka listin), Registry of ecomomy subjects (ARES - ekonomické subjekty) etc.

The membership process also identifies and verifies Registered Representatives (Administrative and technical contacts), who are permitted to act on behalf of the organization in dealings with the Federation Operator. Verification is achieved by appointment form signed by official representatives of member organization and provided by organization stamp.

The process also establishes a canonical name for the Federation member. The canonical name of a member MAY change during the membership period, for example as a result of corporate name changes or mergers. The member’s canonical name is disclosed in the entity’s SAML v2.0 <md:OrganizationName> element.

4. Metadata Format

Metadata for all entities registered by the Federation Operator SHALL make use of the [SAML-Metadata-RPI-V1.0] metadata extension to indicate that the Federation Operator is the registrar for the entity and to detail the version of the MRPS statement that applies to the entity. The following is a non-normative example:

    <mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy xml:lang="en">
    <mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy xml:lang="cs">

5. Entity Eligibility and Validation

5.1 Entity Registration

The process by which a Federation member can register an entity is described at https://www.eduid.cz/en/join.

The Federation Operator SHALL verify the member’s right to use particular domain names in relation to entityID attributes and, for Identity Provider entities, any scope elements.

The right to use a domain name SHALL be established in one of the following ways:

  • A member’s canonical name matches registrant information shown in WHOIS.
  • A member MAY be granted the right to make use of a specific domain name through a permission letter from the domain owner on a per-entity basis. Permission SHALL NOT be regarded as including permission for the use of sub-domains.

5.2 EntityID Format

Values of the entityID attribute registered MUST be an absolute URI using the http-scheme or https-scheme.

https-scheme only URIs are REQUIRED for new entities since 2013.

http-scheme and https-scheme URIs used for entityID values MUST contain a host part whose value is a DNS domain.

5.3 Scope Format

For Identity Provider entities, scopes MUST be rooted in the DNS domain name space, expressed in lowercase. Multiple scopes are allowed.

Regular expressions MUST NOT be present in scopes.

5.4 Entity Validation

On entity registration, the Federation Operator SHALL carry out entity validation checks. These checks include:

  • Ensuring all required information is present in the metadata;
  • Ensuring metadata is correctly formatted;
  • Ensuring protocol endpoints are properly protected with TLS / SSL certificates.

6. Entity Management

Once a member has joined the Federation any number of entities MAY be added, modified or removed by the organization.

An organization MUST NOT have more than one Identity Provider entity.

6.1 Entity Change Requests

Any request for entity addition, change or removal from Federation members needs to be communicated from or confirmed by their respective Registered Representatives. Communication of change happens via info@eduid.cz email address using an electronically signed message.

6.2 Unsolicited Entity Changes

The Federation Operator may amend or modify the Federation metadata at any time in order to:

  • Ensure the security and integrity of the metadata;
  • Comply with interFederation agreements;
  • Improve interoperability;
  • Add value to the metadata.

Changes will be communicated to Registered Representatives for the entity.


Poslední úprava:: 2024/05/30 10:30