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Odkaz na výstup diff

en:tech:software [2009/04/23 12:52]
novakoi@fel.cvut.cz Ivan Novakov
en:tech:software [2017/02/10 07:02]
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
-====== Compatible software ====== 
-The eduID.cz federation is based on the Shibboleth project, which is an implementation of SAML. In theory, any SAML compatible IdP/SP may join the federation, but only the software on the list below has been successfully tested so far: 
-  * [[https://​spaces.internet2.edu/​display/​SHIB/​WebHome|Shibboleth IdP/SP 1.3]] 
-  * [[https://​spaces.internet2.edu/​display/​SHIB2/​Home|Shibboleth IdP/SP 2.x]] 
-  * [[http://​www.simplesamlphp.org/​|simpleSAMLphp]] - SAML implementation in PHP 
Poslední úprava:: 2017/02/10 07:02